Richland Co., Ohio


Tax Records

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Richland County Property Taxes - Taxpayers, 1828

Auburn Township  (Range 20, Township 22)

source:  Richland County List of Property Subject To Taxation, 1828

R = Range  |  T = Township  |  S = Section

ne = northeast  |  nw = northwest  |  se = southeast  |  sw = southwest

hf = half  |  qr = quarter  |  pt = part  |  sec = section  |  cor = corner

* If you would like more information about a particular entry on this page, please e-mail with the NAME of the taxpayer, the tax YEAR. the TOWNSHIP and the REFERENCE NUMBER below the chart.  Use the phrase "Property Tax Lookup" in the subject line of your e-mail please.

Owner's Name Section Quarter
Aumond, Adam 10
Ammerman, Henry 28 e½ ne
Blair, Warren 28 w½ ne
Brown, Peter 13 n½ nw
Brown, Hackabiah 1 s pt nw


2 s½ ne
Beadle, Daniel 3 se
Bodley, John 11 e pt sw
Bodley, Wm. W. 14 w½ se


" sw pt ne
Bodley, Jesse 14 e½ se


" se pt ne
Bowker, John 17 w pt ne
Bodley, Margaret 8 e pt sw


" w pt se
Brown, Henry 34 n
Blair, Selden 21 e½ ne
Bouker, John 10 pt se
Cuykendoll, Bodewine 13 sw
Cuykendoll, James D. 2 sw
Champion, William 15 se
Cuykendoll, Jacob 10 w pt sw
Cuykendoll, Wm. (heirs of) 17 e pt ne


8 se pt se
Conklin, Isaac 11 ne
Cumming, David 18
" 27 nw
" 33 se
" 34
" 32 se
Cole, William 27 sw
Ciedebe, M.J. & E. 9
Davis, James 12 sw
Demisen, E. (heirs of) 1 n pt nw
Derril, John 11 e½ nw
Devoi, Levi 11 w pt sw


- -
Dewitt, William 11 ne pt sw
Dewitt, Andrew C. 14 n½ ne
Dewitt, Margaret 8 w pt sw
Dewitt, Tjiezgk 7 e½ se
Eweing, John 15 ne
Feiher, John 23


26 ne
Gibson, Michael 1 s pt ne
Gardner, James 1 w pt ne


" w pt nw
Green, William 27
Greene, William 26 w½ sw
Griffith, Benjamin 23 ne
Garrison, William 11 se
Greene, William 26 e½ sw


35 e½ nw
Hultz, Palmer 13 s pt nw
Hills, Charles 1 n pt ne
Hills, Rufus 1 ne pt ne
Harley, Samuel 14
Hammond, George 28 nw
Hannah, Samuel 22 sw
Hannah, Robert 26 nw
Kinney, John 1 sw
Loughery, William 18 sw
Ladow, Jesse 8 n pt sw


8 w pt se
Mack, George 15 nw
McKee, Joseph 30 ne
Morrow, Charles 33 ne
" 34 nw
" 32 sw
" 19 ne
Morrow, David C. 22
Mower, Michael 15 sw


21 sw
McKee, James 17 sw
McGuire, James 12 nw
McGuire, Patience 13 ne
Morse, Rodolphus 20 w½ se
McCr___, James 23 se
Ruckman, Peter (heirs of) 1 se
Raymond, Leonard 30 e½ se
Smith, Gasper 17 w½ nw
Smith, John 29 se


32 ne
Snider, Daniel 28 n pt se
Shackler, John 22 nw
Shultz, Conrod 36 se
Sawyer, Erastus 20 e½ se
Snyder, William W. 28 e½ ne
Vanfleet, William 6 pt se


10 e pt sw
Vanosdall, Peter 28 s pt se
Wetherill, William P. 13 se


13 s pt nw
White, Resolved 29 ne
Young, David 2 e½ se

Reference Number = 1828 / 9570-9577

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